
inspire, engage, and share

Hillwood meets every student at the door. Our teachers appreciate what each child has to offer and will work to help him or her flourish both academically and socially. We recognize that different individuals have different needs; yet, most strive to be part of a community. At Hillwood, we recognize the value of both the individual and the community.

Our educators inspire, engage, and share the love of learning on a daily basis. We are a K through eighth-grade school, but we strive to be a part of your child’s daily life long into adulthood. Through our integrated curriculum, continued focus on the basics (reading, writing, language, mathematics, history, and science), and genuine interest in your child, we expect to accompany him or her through high school, college, and their daily, post-school learning. Thirty or forty years from now, we want every student to remember each of our teachers by name.

Additionally, Hillwood prides itself on being a top-notch, affordable school that attracts a diverse group of students and families. We recognize the stresses and strains that Bay Area parents face, and we work to make the Hillwood experience a joy for all involved. We offer a relaxed, family atmosphere with extended hours from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. Classroom hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and tuition (including the cost of extended care and a hot lunch daily) is $1,800 per month ($18,000 annually).